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Innistrad Redux

We're returning to the plane of Innistrad to celebrate the upcoming release of Innistrad Remastered, so join us in this week's frighteningly exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


Innistrad Redux
By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 

Natedogg's 2024 in Review

It's the last Monday of the year and Nathan is taking a look at the various sets that were released in 2024, so join us in this week's retrospective issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


Natedogg's 2024 in Review
By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 

Questions on Broadway

Everyone's got rules questions to share, and we're going crazy in here answering them, so join us in this week's exciting issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


Questions on Broadway
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

A Third of Modern Horizons

Modern Horizons 3 continues to dominate our inbox, so join us as we answer more of your questions about it in this week's modern issue of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


A Third of Modern Horizons
By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

3rd Modern Event Horizon

We are on a mission to recover a ship and answer questions about Modern Horizons 3.

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


3rd Modern Event Horizon
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 

Horsing Around

Outlaws of Thunder Junction continues to dominate our inbox, so saddle up and join us in this week's equine edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 


Horsing Around
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Français 

Do I Betray Jace and Many Other Quandaries

Vraska gives out Phyrexian oil. We only give out (usually) correct answers.

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Do I Betray Jace and Many Other Quandaries
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Racers, Start Your Engines!

Gear up and gather around as we wait for the excitement to start! We here at the CI offices have been preparing and tuning all week for this set of excitement. Kamigawa has seen its neon destiny and it looks promising! So join us as we explore that destiny in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Racers, Start Your Engines!
By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

Neon Lovin'

Finally we have returned to Kamigawa and its destiny has gone to neon! There are Phyrexian's hanging around all over the place and Tamiyo has been compleated! We here at the CI offices have worked really hard to bring you yet another compleated article chock full of those rules questions and answers that you need, plus just a little touch of the glistening oil so you too can join the Phyrexian army! Read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Andrew Villarrubia (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Neon Lovin'
By Andrew Villarrubia
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

Yeah, I'm Thinking I'm Back

We are back at it again, with Moko once again risen from his grave (where else would a zombie monkey wake up from in the morning?). We have once again put together a spectacular edition packed full of all of those answers you have been seeking! So read on in this week's resurrected edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Andrew Villarrubia (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Yeah, I'm Thinking I'm Back
By Andrew Villarrubia
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Professor Onyx's Home for Superb Owls

Welcome one and all, as this years incoming class we have a number of things to teach you! So please pay close attention otherwise you might end up as part of some unfortunate experiment, and yes there will be a quiz on all of this at the end! So join us for this week's didactic edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Professor Onyx's Home for Superb Owls
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

It's a Mystical Day in this Neighborhood.

With Strixhaven just around the corner, lets take a look at the Mystical Archive that is included in the set.

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


It's a Mystical Day in this Neighborhood.
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


With flu season approaching and Coronavirus being an ongoing problem, we at Cranial Insertion are spending more time indoors, which gives us the opportunity to catch up on our favorite TV shows and to answer your rules questions. Join us for this week's watchful edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Trick or Treat Bag 2020

Kids in spooky costumes have many a rules question, and if I don't get too distracted by how neat they look, I may have an answer or two.

By Justin Hovdenes (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Trick or Treat Bag 2020
By Justin Hovdenes
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Football season is gearing up again and as the NFL teams prepare to start their season, we have prepared yet another fantastic article for you. So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Are You Ready For Some Football?
By Nathan Long
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Dogs and Cats, and Dinosaurs, Oh My!

Somewhere over the rainbow, the latest cards have arrived from Jumpstart! So we take a moment to answer all of your questions from the latest and greatest. Pay no mind to the the happenings beyond the curtain. No there certainly is not a zombie monkey behind the curtain, just look over here at all the great rules questions being answered! Join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion.

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français 


Dogs and Cats, and Dinosaurs, Oh My!
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Mutation Nation

The giant monsters are warping and mutating everything around them. The plane of Ikoria is bursting with a feverish energy altering the very fundamental DNA of its inhabitants! We have taken some of that energy and applied it to those pesky rules questions you have desired for answers! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Charlotte Sable (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Mutation Nation
By Charlotte Sable
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Destroy All Monsters (怪獣総進撃)

The monsters are coming! We have battened down our hatches, shored up our walls and windows! Settled down for the long haul, and cozied up to our fire with all of your rules questions. Grabbing all the rules answers we can to enhance our weaponry against the incoming onslaught of battle raged monsters! So join us for this week's monstrous edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Charlotte Sable (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Destroy All Monsters (怪獣総進撃)
By Charlotte Sable
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

It's My Party And I'll Cry if I Want to

Andrew is living it up and partying it down! So he has put together one banger of an article for his birthday bash! Join us for this week’s celebratory edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Andrew Villarrubia (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


It's My Party And I'll Cry if I Want to
By Andrew Villarrubia
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Just a Summer Break

School is winding down and the summer is starting to heat up. Here in the Cranial Insertion offices we are cooking up some of our famous answers to those fantastic and fun rules questions you keep divining for us! So join us in this week's all out extravaganza of exaltation in this edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Just a Summer Break
By Nathan Long
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Command & Conquer

The Brotherhood of Nod are closing in while we await final orders to help us crush them in final victory, bringing glory to the Global Defense Initiative! Gather the troops as we delve into yet another foray with our most dastardly foe once again! Read on in this week's commanding edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Charlotte Sable (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Command & Conquer
By Charlotte Sable
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Let's Start a Riot

Things are getting rowdy around the CI offices, Moko has begun to embrace his inner Gruul, I would have always thought a zombie monkey was more Golgari, but hey. Once again we have put together yet another article chock full of those exciting rules questions you most wanted answered. This week is yet again no exception, so read on in this week's rough and tumble edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 


Let's Start a Riot
By Nathan Long
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Running with Blades

Life is oh so brief, and the search for ways to extend it seem like something everyone seeks. To that end we have put together answers to those rules questions you have been wanting to know, so you can smash your opponents and extend your life (at least in games of Magic)! Now if we can just get Moko to sit still long enough to answer all the questions. So read on in this week's extraordinary edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Charlotte Sable (0 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 


Running with Blades
By Charlotte Sable
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Français  Italiano 

Dog Days of Summer

Summer time is in full swing and we are slogging through the heat to bring you the coolest answers to those burning rules questions! So join us for this week's fiery edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (1 Comment)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Dog Days of Summer
By Nathan Long
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Let the Games Begin!

With the release of Battlebond this past weekend the flood gates have opened with a host of new rules questions that are just burning to be answered! So here we are with our ticket to enter the arena in hand just waiting to go on inside, so let's hop to it and head on in to learn quench that thirst for the rules knowledge you have always wanted in this week's enrapturing edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Let the Games Begin!
By Nathan Long
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Maternal Masters

Celebrating mothers here at the offices we bring to you this wonderful edition answering all your rules questions! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! And no, technically, zombie monkeys do not have mothers, but shhh please do not tell that to Moko, he still thinks that old dried out coconut is his mother!

By Carsten Haese (2 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Maternal Masters
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 
A Break from the Sand
By Nathan Long
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

Just Deserts

Amonkhet is out in the wild, fresh off the Pro Tour in Nashville this past weekend we take a look at those burning questions you have had. So we sit down for another helping of rules questions to help satiate your appetite for knowledge! So join us for this weeks rather delicious edition of Cranial Insertion! Now with more Strawberries!

By Nathan Long (0 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 


Just Deserts
By Nathan Long
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano 

As the Wurm Turns

Just a little further past these dunes and we can make it to the sietch. From there all our rules questions will be answered! So join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion! Just look out for that wurm sign!

By Nathan Long (3 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


As the Wurm Turns
By Nathan Long
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Don't go chasing planar falls

Exciting things are happening here at the Cranial Insertion offices, and a lot of it depends on the results of our planar die rolls. Whoosh... changing planes again! So join us as we put together a selection of your questions based on everyone's favorite plane shifting product Planechase! So join us for this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion, Planechase style!

By James Bennett (0 Comments)
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Don't go chasing planar falls
By James Bennett
Translations: Português (Br)  简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Ave, Lector!

Nos Submergere Saluto!

Here we are once again drowning in our sorrows as we wait for the Fate Reforged prerelease. So until its arrival we are going to submerge ourselves into yet another pile of your rules questions and answers! Join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion, now with more power!

By Callum Milne (8 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Ave, Lector!
Nos Submergere Saluto!
By Callum Milne
Translations: Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

Happy April Fools' Day!

Welcome everyone it is that time of year again, time for our annual article on Dual Masters! Hah, April fools! Read on with this weeks edition of Cranial Insertion!

By Carsten Haese (10 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


Happy April Fools' Day!
By Carsten Haese
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

A Smashing Good Time

"Ruuuuuuul smaaaash!!!" Translator's note: Read this week's Gruul themed Cranial Insertion, or Moko might have to pay you a visit.

By Moko (7 Comments)
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 


A Smashing Good Time
By Moko
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 
Ravnica: City of Cats
or, I Can Has Shockland?
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 
Raining Cats and Dogs
but Mostly Cats
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: 简体中文  繁體中文  Deutsch  English  Español  Français  Italiano  Pусский 

It's the end of Worlds as we know it

(And I feel fine)

Moving on to a new year of Magic, which has several start points to its years!

By Carsten Haese (0 Comments)
Translations: Deutsch  English  Română 


It's the end of Worlds as we know it
(And I feel fine)
By Carsten Haese
Translations: Deutsch  English  Română 

There are Games Besides Magic?

Come take some time away from dragon slaying and read about some other creature types! It is time for Cranial Insertion with all the rules fun you can handle!

By Brian Paskoff (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


There are Games Besides Magic?
By Brian Paskoff
Translations: English 


Leftovers Potluck
or, Put It All in a Blender
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: English 


Dreadful Questions
or, "BOO!" Says the Subtitle
By Eli Shiffrin
Translations: English 


I Call Shenanigans!
or, A Swap at the Fair
By Ted Dickinson
Translations: English 


We Demand an en-Kor
or, Play It Again, Saffi
By Ted Dickinson
Translations: English 

The Power of Vesuvan Skulls

By Tom Fowler (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


The Power of Vesuvan Skulls
By Tom Fowler
Translations: English 

Easter Eggs, Dingus Eggs

By Tom Fowler (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


Easter Eggs, Dingus Eggs
By Tom Fowler
Translations: English 

My Lips Are Sealed

By Tom Fowler (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


My Lips Are Sealed
By Tom Fowler
Translations: English 

I <3 Tournaments

By Tom Fowler (0 Comments)
Translations: English 


I <3 Tournaments
By Tom Fowler
Translations: English 

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