The Cranial Archives
Behold, the archive halls of Cranial Insertion
Warning: The older the article, the more likely the information is outdated. View our FAQ for more information!
Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
Modern season is upon us and we want you to be prepared, so this week's issue is the very model of a Modern rules Q&A article!
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Just Another Valentine's Day
Ah, l'amour! St. Valentine is hanging around once again and we here at the Cranial Insertion offices know what you love! That is answers to those rules questions burning in your hearts! We have packed this article full of questions that you have had a burning desire for a response! Join us for this week's lovely edition of Cranial Insertion, now with more hearts! P.S.: No zombie monkey hearts were used in the making of this article, nor did we charge Moko with obtaining actual hearts.
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The temperature is blistering hot and so are these cards from the M19 Core Set! So we have put on the heat to respond to all of those burning rules questions you had!!! So join us for this week's sizzling edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Food Coloring
Time to give thanks here in the US for all of those things that we have this year and that includes some spectacular rules questions and answers for you! So cozy up to the fire and read on in this week's exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Under Plowed
or, Don't Hire Goblin Digging TeamBuried under both snow and piles of rules questions we begin to dig our way out. If only Wizards had created Silver-Inlaid Shovels instead. Join us for this weeks exciting edition of Cranial Insertion!
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Dawn of the Undead
Creatures undying all around us, what are we todo? Why, read this weeks Cranial Insertion, of course! This weeks edition with the standard compliment of zombies, humans, brains, and oh yeah, rules questions too!
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Phyrexian Unlife, Mirror Universe, and Everything
Mostly Harmful.
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A Valentine's Day Bouquet of Questions
or, This Article Brought to You by the Color Pink (0 Comments)Translations: